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Nano Protech Super Anticorrosion
Nano Protech Super Anticorrosion


  • Brand - NANO PROTECH

  • Volume - 150mL


Purpose: the product is unique in that it replaces 100% of moisture. It is powerful anticorrosion protection from any kind of aggressive attack for long. A stable invisible nanocoating surely protects external and internal surfaces of transportation vehicles, industrial, agricultural and building equipment from corrosion for at least 1 year. The product significantly increases service life of devices and equipment. NANOPROTECH Super Anti-corrosion creates a hard-wearing protective film to prevent rusting and oxidation on all surfaces, even in saltwater and acid conditions. The nanoparticles displace moisture at the molecular level providing reliable long-lasting protection.

Purpose: the product is unique in that it replaces 100% of moisture. It is powerful anticorrosion protection from any kind of aggressive attack for long. A stable invisible nanocoating surely protects external and internal surfaces of transportation vehicles, industrial, agricultural and building equipment from corrosion for at least 1 year. The product significantly increases service life of devices and equipment. NANOPROTECH Super Anti-corrosion creates a hard-wearing protective film to prevent rusting and oxidation on all surfaces, even in saltwater and acid conditions. The nanoparticles displace moisture at the molecular level providing reliable long-lasting protection.

  • Brand - NANO PROTECH

  • Volume - 150mL


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